International Law

International Business Lawyers
In an increasingly globalized marketplace, it is important for business clients to be able to expand internationally and to understand the diverse laws and regulations affecting their cross-border activities. Companies doing business abroad face heightened regulatory compliance issues, increasingly complex tax rules and regulations, and differing customs, cultures and methods of doing business.
Our attorneys have represented U.S.-based companies in connection with a wide range of transactions in Latin America, South America, Canada, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Australia, including mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property licensing and technology transfers, distributorship agreements, manufacturing agreements, complex commercial contracts and international joint ventures. We also represent a number of international clients based in Europe and South America in connection with their in-bound investments and business activities in the U.S. Based on our international transactional and tax experience and our connections to international law firms who can advise on the applicable jurisdiction’s legal issues, we are able to effectively navigate the interaction of U.S. and foreign laws and regulations and structure our clients’ activities in a tax efficient and regulatory compliant manner that meets their objectives for their in-bound or outbound activities.
On the immigration front, we are frequently called on to advise individuals with respect to their pre-immigration tax planning needs and with respect to their in-bound investments and anticipated business operations in the U.S. To that end, we work closely with a number of immigration attorneys, who engage us to assist them and their clients in connection with these matters.